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Projects + Templates + Automation
Manage your team & keep your Clients updated & involved. Templates & Automations eliminate repetitive work
Nothing is ever more than a few clicks away, ensuring you always have what you need right at your fingertips. Easily track time spent on a particular Project or Task, and add that time as a billable item on an Invoice.
Manage your business like a pro with SuiteDash, the All-in-One Business Software that empowers collaboration with your team, and streamlines interaction with your clients.
Sequenced Project Templates
Trigger / Actions Automations
Stop doing everything manually, and harness the power of Automation!
Build automated workflows that maximize efficiency and increase your bottom line profits!
Trigger a customizable Action sequence each time a Project Phase is complete
Trigger a customizable Action sequence each time a Project wraps up
Project & Task Files
Manage all Team Members
Search, Filter & Sort Tasks
My Tasks Widget
Email Notifications for all Actions
Secondary Clients
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